Pilar Durán Escribano

Pilar Durán-Escribano

Pilar Durán-Escribano (PhD) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Linguistics for Science and Technology at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM). Her research interests include the linguistic analysis and pedagogical applications of EST specialised texts and academic genres, the applications of the CEFRL (Council of Europe, 2001) directives to EAP teaching, and the study of scientific metaphorical terms.


Career history

BA (Boston, Ma), MS (Miami, Fla) (USA), Licenciatura Degree in Philosophy and Educación (UCM, Madrid), and PhD (UNED, Madrid) with the Doctorate “Extraordinary Award”. As Associate Professor in the Technical University of Madrid, she has lectured and tutored English for Science and Technology and English for Academic Purposes to Mining Engineering and Geological Engineering students from 1984 to 2013. She has supervised five doctoral dissertations, led several public-financed innovation and research projects, and participated in several other university-funded projects. She promoted the Research Group DISCYT in 2005 and led it along 2005-09. She has co-directed the “LSP Didactics and Learning Panel” in AELFE International Conferences (2002-09). She has over fifty articles and papers published in specialist journals, book chapters, and the proceedings of international conferences. Pilar has been regular reviewer for the specialised journals Iberica (2000-07) and RAEL (2008-16); and external reviewer for RESLA (2015-16), and Ibérica (2014-15).