Career history
Several scholarships led her to collaborate with university research groups for the design and development of experimental and innovative pedagogic projects (HYPERMEDIA, UPM) and for the design of bilingual projects relative to scientific and technical speech (DISCYT, UPM). She currently works at International University of La Rioja (UNIR) as a teacher within the degree of New Technologies of Information and Communication and as a supervisor of Final Master Thesis at the Online Master in User Experience Design. She has collaborated as a distance learning tutor with the School of Architecture of the Democritus University of Thrace and taught at the Master of Architectural Communication at ETSAM. Throughout her career she collaborated with architectural offices in Spain and Greece. Since 2009 she is a founding member and co-director of HipoTesis magazine ( Together with Francisco G. Triviño and now with KUNE office they have won distinctions in several national and international architectural competitions.